Hahnemann and his remedy kit

I was at a workshop the other day, not health or homeopathic-related, and I heard the speaker talk about vibrational medicine. That it was the new frontier of health, and that soon it would be commonplace. Soon everyone would be using it. The comments made me both laugh and cry. Hahnemann likely rolled in his grave. 

Laugh because, well . . . I have been practicing vibrational medicine for 25 years. Cry because I was painfully aware that so many people still have no idea what Homeopathy is. And Hahnemann developed it in the late 1700’s, so it’s been around for awhile.

Homeopathy is a marketing nightmare. How do you talk about a medicine whose time has not yet come? How does one explain that the remedy’s effect is on the person and not their ailment? How can one talk about the beauty in the subtlety of the body healing itself with just a little nudge? 

And yet, that is what Homeopathy is. It’s vibrational. It’s subtle. It’s based on the concepts of “like cures like”, and the “minimum dose”. Almost anything can be a homeopathic remedy if it fits those criteria.  And Hahnemann wrote a whole book delineating his modality, “The Organon of Medicine”

Homeopathy is vibrational because remedies are diluted and succussed. Diluted so that there is little to nothing left of the substance.  Shaken (succussed) to release the energy of the substance. Hahnemann discovered succussion as he was riding his horse from patient to patient. He noticed that the shaking seemed to potentize the remedy. Make it stronger, or deeper.  

Yes, homeopathy was an empirical science, and it still is. Experimentation proved its validity. People got better using it. It was not and never has been a theoretical science based on abstract principles. It came out of Hahnemann’s curiosity, experimentation, and implementation. 

It is a profound “medicine” because the body is such a profound instrument.  It works on a subtle level shifting the frequencies of the body. 

If you are curious about the science behind it, because science is catching up to the model, I have attached a YouTube video from 2014 of an interview with Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier.  The research that he has done on water and how it holds memory is phenomenal. He was a proponent of homeopathy before he died because he recognized that this is what homeopathy does, it holds the memory of a substance in water and then provides treatment to the body in a beautiful way. 

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