Be Resilient ~
Find Balance With Trauma~Informed Treatments
Michele Brookhaus RS(HOM), CCH
The body in health is dynamic energy, constantly moving and changing.
It’s like a well-rehearsed orchestra, every part synchronized effortlessly.
“Dis- ease” comes from many places. Physical and emotional trauma can set it in motion. An onslaught of toxins or foreign material introduced into the body can do it too. Family health histories can also be a set up for a disruption to come.
And we can have our own susceptibilities too. We are all so beautifully individual. And we need to be treated as individuals.
That is the beauty of Homeopathy and what drew me into the practice so many years ago. What has kept me at it are the results I see.
It’s easy to book a video or teleconference session. Or if you prefer an in person session, I reside in Blaine, WA.

Based on the principal of “like cures like”, Homeopathy offers a gentle impulse to the body. That impulse nudges the body to respond and move towards healing.
Remedies are made from plant, mineral and animal substances. Only the minimum that is needed is offered until the body rights itself.
Homeopathy addresses a wide range of symptoms in the body. Finding a remedy is like putting the pieces of a puzzle together. Each symptom and it’s response points the practitioner to the remedy that will bring the most response from the body. Moving it towards freedom and health.
A Homeopath does not diagnose, but you may come in with a diagnosis. Homeopathy can often work well with other approaches to health and healing.

Reconnective Therapy
Information about perfect wellbeing resides within each of us. We only need to be connected to it again.
Traumas pre and post birth, insults to body and emotions cut us off from that knowing. We split and split and become a fragment of who we once were or could be.
In a RCT, allowing and space becomes key. The body knows what needs to be connected. One treatment can often provide immediate relief.
I utilize RCT as a treatment on its own, or as an adjunct treatment that works really well with both Homeopathy and Resonance Healing.

Advanced Integrative Therapy
Most of us have been traumatized to one degree or another during our lifetime. It could be a birth trauma, it could be a bad car accident, or it could be emotional or psychological abuse that we sustained as a child, teenager or adult. We all likely have something.
Our body tends to store that information. Our mind has it’s own understanding. Our subconscious may block off the memory to keep us “safe”.
Over the long run, however, those experiences impede our living and even our ability to make healthy choices. We get into repetitive thought cycles, and these fixed thoughts keep us stuck.
Sometimes we need to bypass the mind and work with the superconscious mind and body and release and integrate those experiences, old thoughts and beliefs.
In the pursuit of learning, every day something is aquired.
In the pursuit of Tao, every day something is dropped.
Less and less is done.
Until non action is achieved.
When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.
~~ Lao Tsu
Allow it to happen.
“In RCT, you can connect higher frequency information from people’s energy bodies into their physical bodies. In other words, you connect higher aspects of people’s selves into their bodies.” ~ Herwig Schoen
Michele Brookhaus
Vergennes, VT 05491
You may book either an in-person or online appointment with me.
I encourage people to set up a 15 minute conversation with me to see if we are a good fit to work together. I look forward to meeting you.