open orange flower representing yoni bliss

Vaginal Care. . . Beyond Yoni Bliss

6 Companies Worth Taking a Look At

It’s been over a year since I waved goodbye to the last bottle of Yoni Bliss. Though it’s true, I have a couple stashed for my personal use. Maybe you do too. 

Many women have reached out over the year to look for alternatives. Yoni Bliss was both a lubricant as well as a tonic. The homeopathic remedies addressed moisture tissue balance and sensitivity. And this was the perfect combination for some. But because every yoni is different as is every woman, it didn’t always address everything that needed addressing.

Women are complicated. And we each need something different. I am a homeopath because of that recognition. We are unique, each needing a distinct approach. 

And because I still care about women’s health, particularly women’s vaginal health I have been researching. And believe me this is not unselfish work! I am 63 now and know much more about menopause and changing bodies than I did at 50. So I do this for you, and I do it for me. Perhaps you’ll see something here that you’d like to try.  If so great! Perhaps you need a bit more of an in depth conversation with me about it. Great!  I am here for that too.

In the meantime, look at the goodies I have found. Yoni Bliss would be proud.

Here are some products that I think merit a look. They are available at the link I have provided below. I am pleased to offer a 15% discount when you register and purchase something. 

The first company is Good Clean Love. If you have reached out to me before, this is a company that I have recommended. There are no homeopathic ingredients, but what they do offer is a nice, simple lubricant that can work for many. In fact, they have a few formulations and even one for very sensitive vaginas. You’ll find 3 products that might work for you, including a moisturizer.

I also have 2 different suppositories available. One by Bezwecken that includes DHEA.DHEA (dehydroepiandosterone) is a hormone that is naturally produced by the adrenal glands and had been clinically studied for the treatment of painful intercourse, a symptom of vaginal dryness and atrophy which may occur in menopause. DHEA is also used to treat thin vaginal tissue, improving vaginal moisturization and help prevent atrophy. 

Vitanica has a suppository that helps with vaginal pH. This unique new suppository supports a healthy vaginal pH, naturally resolving undesired vaginal odor. Formulated by Dr. Tori Hudson with natural ingredients, in a specialized vaginal suppository format, the Vitamin C promotes normal vaginal pH and a healthy ecology.

Also recommended is a probiotic specifically for vaginal health and formulated by Garden of Life.

A vaginal serum by Quicksilver Scientific includes estriol, DHEA and hyaluronic acid for those who can tolerate the safest topical estrogen.

And finally a Vaginal Rejuvination Solution by AnteAge. This one is hormone free, and utilizes stem cells.
Here is how the company talks about the solution:  The AnteAGE® Vaginal Rejuvenation Solution is a regenerative vaginal moisturizer. Harnessing the natural power of bone marrow stem cells, AnteAGE® VRS delivers lost bio-signals to restore a youthful micro- environment. Our at home VRS safely restores the vaginal wall using growth factors and cytokines without any added hormones. Physiologically balanced bio-signals from the stem cell cytokines reduce inflammation while the hyaluronic acid increases moisture that is native to the body. Clinical studies show tremendous improvements in dryness, pain and vaginal epithelium thickness within 1-3 months of use.

Vaginal health care has come a long way since Yoni Bliss was created 14 years ago. It makes me happy that there are many more choices out there.

If you are interested to learn more you can always go back to my store and explore My Favorites