The Heart's Highest Calling. . .

“The physician’s highest and only calling is to make the sick healthy, to cure, as it is called.”

Aphorism 1, The Organon Of Medicine, Samuel Hahnemann

(The dictionary defines “cure” as “a means of healing or restoring to health; remedy)
When I graduated from Homeopathy school in 1998 I was given Aphorism #1 to talk about for my speech to our small graduating class of 16. I don’t remember what I said at the time about this aphorism, but I am sure I was both lofty and optimistic. I don’t remember the promises I made exactly, but the aphorism is clear. Make the sick healthy. It is what we are called to do. And indeed I did feel it as a calling. Homeopaths take on this mission in a very particular way. In the way that Hahnemann taught us. With particular principles to follow. Watching carefully so that we can see if we are going in the direction of “cure” or if we are going in the direction of suppression. Learning what happens in the body if it is suppressed. Understanding deeply the implications of suppression.Why?
Because the body likes to express itself. It likes to tell us how it is doing. Symptoms are clues for us to listen to. And if we listen, really listen, sometimes that is all the body needs. ( I am not kidding!)

But there are other ways to listen too. A remedy is a way to listen to the body. A remedy given with the proper principles also says yes, I see you. Yes I hear you. When seen and heard the body opens up. It breathes a sigh of relief. It heals. So remarkable is the body and what it knows.

So training involves learning to listen.

But it is training we all can benefit from. When was the last time you listened to your body?

Can you hear what your body is saying?


Really listen.

What is it saying to you?
Write it down.

Ask again.

And listen. 


And again.

It’s perhaps the greatest Love gift you can give yourself. 

So this Valentine’s Day I invite you to listen to you. Listen to your heart. Listen to your bones. Listen to your organs. Listen to your body. What does every little part have to say to you?

I bet it will tell you it’s secrets. I am sure it will declare it’s love to you. 

Do you want to love it back?

The reason might be for the cure. It might be what brings your body and you back to health. 

Restoring to health so that you might be fully engaged in your life. Being a creative force for others and yourself. To enjoy life. To be in Joy. About life, About others. About your “wesen” or being. Your Heart’s highest calling.
Happy Valentine’s Day.