Two and a half years in one can’t help but notice that a certain virus continues to be with us. I don’t know how you’ve managed it, but besides taking supplements that are Immune system strengthening, Homeopathy is my go-to.  I have been lucky enough to escape the virus myself but have helped many others get through their symptoms faster and feel better sooner.  
Homeopathy is not a one size fits all system, but it’s also not super complicated to differentiate and come up with a remedy that fits a person’s symptoms.
Here is a case that I just took a week or so ago.
Male 73
A client called on a Friday afternoon having tested positive for Covid.  He had taken Aconite earlier in the day. I have instructed clients to take Aconite as soon as there is an inkling of any acute cold or flu. It is a beautiful remedy for the sudden onset of symptoms. And it has proven its benefit throughout the pandemic, mitigating symptoms and even staving off a deeper expression of the virus. He didn’t have many symptoms. He had some mucus in his throat and was coughing a bit.  I told him to continue the aconite for another dose or two that evening and call the next day if things progressed.
Saturday morning, I got a call. His symptoms had progressed. He told me that he slept poorly throughout the night.  He kept waking up needing to urinate. Mucus was lodged in his throat which was difficult to clear out and he was coughing quite a bit.
He woke up nauseous with some vertigo.  He went to the kitchen to fix something to drink because he was also feeling dehydrated. But he began to feel even more nauseous so headed to the bathroom. On the way, he thinks he passed out from vertigo.  He called while sitting on the bathroom floor.  He was clammy, sweaty, and feeling warm.  He thought he had a fever. 
The thought of putting something into his mouth to eat made him gag. But having a bit of cool water helped. He sounded hoarse. Lying down seemed to help.
What follows is an analysis of his symptoms using Heiner Frei’s Polarity Analysis.  The remedy that shows up as a number one choice is Scilla (or Squilla).  Two years ago Hahnemann Labs put together a COVID kit with this remedy in it.  I hadn’t seen it come up at all in any repertorizations.  And here it is.  The fact that he kept waking up at night to urinate, while not strictly conforming to what we normally think of for Scilla made me more confident in giving it a try.  (The materia medica mostly talks about the cough being so violent as to cause incontinence)
Here are the symptoms that I took that pointed most strongly to the remedy Scilla.
( < means worse  > means better )
> lying position
> warmly, from wrapping up
< rising from bed, after getting up
> lying down, after 
> resting (not moving)
< physical effort
thirst, absent
appetite, absent
urination, frequent
< sleep, during

He had the remedy in a 200C because he had the original Hahnemann kit.  I advised him to take several doses throughout the day and get back to me either later or the next day.

The following day I checked in on him because I hadn’t heard from him.  He was about 80% better according to his assessment and only had a lingering cough.
We decided that his body could likely take it the rest of the way and if he got stuck to call.
One case. One remedy.  Better in 24 hours. Homeopathy continues to amaze me.