Reconnective Therapy

Reconnective Therapy

Information about perfect wellbeing resides within each of us. We only need to be connected to it again.

Reconnective Therapy is an energy healing modality based on the work of Herwig Schoen. It’s similarity and complementary nature to homeopathy makes it an ideal system to accelerate healing.

It brilliantly recognizes the body’s own innate capacity to heal itself. The body knows. One treatment can often provide immediate relief. I utilize Reconnective Therapy as a treatment on its own, or as an adjunct treatment that works really well with both Homeopathy and Resonance Healing. 

Perfect wellbeing is not something external to us that we need to search for, but a state that already exists within each of us, waiting to be rediscovered. Throughout our lives, various experiences and traumas may have created barriers that disconnect us from this innate knowledge. Emotional wounds may leave us feeling fragmented, distant from the sense of completeness we seek. Traumas, whether experienced before or after birth, along with physical and emotional insults, sever our connection to inner knowledge. We become divided, reduced to mere fragments of our potential selves.

Here’s an example from Herwig Schoen’s book “Reconnective Therapy: A New Healing Paradigm”:

If a human body receives a physical impact, this impact gets distributed throughout the body. Every cell and piece of tissue takes on some of the impact, until it is absorbed completely. If the impact is too strong for the body to absorb in this way and the body didn’t do anything to protect itself, the energy of the impact would travel through the peripheral nervous system into the spinal cord and then up into the brain and kill the person instantly.

The body knows about this hazard and has a way to protect itself against it. At the instant of the impact, the body encloses the impact location in an energetic field that has the shape of a sphere. I call this structure a shock pattern. The energy of the impact is frozen within this energetic sphere and is kept from traveling all over the body, especially from traveling into the central nervous system. The good thing about this is that it keeps the person alive. On the negative side, it keeps him from healing as well.”

These “shock patterns” add up over time, and soon there is less and less space for the body to heal itself. However, Reconnective therapy heals and integrates each shock pattern, allowing the body to come into wholeness again. By allowing space for the body to guide the healing process, Reconnective Therapy can help us connect with what truly needs attention. Whether used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with other modalities like Homeopathy the benefits of RCT are often immediately tangible, offering relief and the opportunity to realign with our inner state of wellbeing.

Michele sometimes offers group sessions which can amplify the connection points between participants. Most often it is incorporated into a person’s healing plan.

willow, floral background, hd wallpaper

Aphorism #11

When a person falls ill, it is initially only this spirit-like, autonomic life force (life principle), everywhere present in the organism, that is mistuned through the dynamic influence of a morbific agent inimical to life. Only the life principle, mistuned to such abnormality, can impart to the organism the adverse sensations and induce in the organism the irregular functions that we call disease. The life principle is a power-wesen invisible in itself, only discernible by its effects on the organism. Therefore, its morbid mistunement only makes itself known by manifestations of disease in feelings and functions.   ~ Samuel Hahnemann, “Organon of the Medical Art”