Process Healing

Process Healing

Most of us have been traumatized to one degree or another during our lifetime. It could be a birth trauma, it could be a bad car accident, or it could be emotional or psychological abuse that we sustained as a child, teenager or adult.  We all likely have something.

Our body tends to store that information. Our mind has it’s own understanding. Our subconscious may block off the memory to keep us “safe”. Over the long run, however, those experiences  impede our living and even our ability to make healthy choices. We get into repetitive thought cycles, and these fixed thoughts  keep us stuck.

Sometimes we need to bypass the mind and work with the superconscious mind and smooth out those past experiences. â€‹Process healing is based on the work of Gary Flint who utilizes NLP, EFT and other healing principals. 

Most of us have experienced some form of trauma in our lifetime, whether it be a physical event like a birth trauma or a car accident, or emotional and psychological abuse during childhood, teenage years, or adulthood.

These experiences become stored in our bodies, impacting our daily lives without us even realizing it. Our subconscious works to protect us by blocking out these memories, but in the long run, they can hinder our ability to live fully and make healthy choices. This is where process healing comes in, a method developed by Garry Flint that involves working with the superconscious mind to release and heal past traumas.

By utilizing techniques like NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), we can break free from repetitive thought patterns and begin to move forward in a healthier way.

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Aphorism #9

In the healthy human state, the spirit-like force that enlivens the material organism as dynamis, governs without restriction and keeps all parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both feelings and functions, so that our indwelling, rational spirit can freely avail itself of this living, healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence.  ~ Samuel Hahnemann, “Organon of the Medical Art”