Homeopathy Helps You Heal


Homeopathy is an energy medicine based on the principle of “like cures like”.  It’s the medicine of vibrational frequency. Maybe this sounds a little woo woo, but it’s not. It was developed as a source of healing over 200 years ago by a doctor, Samuel Hahnemann. He was distressed at the time about the coarseness of conventional medicine and thought there had to be a different way. More of his story can be found HERE.  

Traditionally homeopathy has been utilized in very similar ways as allopathic medicine (or conventional medicine)  The systems, however,  work in very different ways. Allopathic medicine is designed to suppress symptoms while homeopathy is designed to remove them. What is the difference? Homeopathic philosophy holds that the body already has everything it needs to heal itself. It only needs a little push. And that push comes from a minimum dose of a remedy that matches the symptoms in the body. 

Homeopathic remedies are made from plants, minerals, and animal substances. But it is not herbalism. Homeopathy only uses a small amount of the material dose and then dilutes that down further. The remedy becomes energetic and what Hahnemann likes to the “The minimum dose”. That means the dose is minimal and how often someone needs to take a dose is minimal. Because the point is not to continue taking a remedy. It is not like conventional medicine that you take for years. The point is that the body recognizes the remedy, becomes informed by the remedy, and then begins to heal itself. Because the body is brilliant if given the right information.

And because there is no substance in a remedy, you can’t over-dose. And there are never side effects. It’s a gentle medicine. That was Hahnemann’s aim, to make homeopathy safe. It doesn’t, however, mean that it isn’t powerful. It is.

In my own life I had chronic sinus infections, gone, never to return. Auto-immune symptoms alleviated and no longer medicated. 

My son with full-body eczema, completely clear with a homeopathic remedy overnight. That sounds magical, and it kind of was. But it was a process too. The disruption came from his first set of vaccinations. And it took over a year to find that life-changing remedy.  But that doesn’t mean he didn’t receive other benefits until his skin cleared.

You see, the body heals itself from the inside out. So there may be a process involved in how the body heals. You get to know yourself, and how your symptoms affect you. You may notice at first that you have more energy or a better mood or outlook on things. The “vital force” is beginning to be engaged. From there the body continues its healing journey to take care of the symptoms in the body one by one. In a certain order. This journey is called Herings Law of Cure. This law simply states, “All cure starts from within out, from the head down and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared.”  

Understand this, the body is always talking. A certain number of people have always known this and it is becoming more well-known and accepted. We each have our susceptibilities depending on our family of origin, where we live, how polluted our environment is, our circumstances, and our biology. Symptoms give a picture of how well the body is coping. Homeopathy helps the body remember. Remember how to order itself, how to heal.

Does that mean that nutrition is not important? That moving the body and hydration isn’t  important? That removing the toxins in your house or environment is redundant? No.

Sometimes these things become the maintaining cause. So, there may be other things that need to be done, but the correct homeopathic remedy can often give the energy or the initiative for you to work on those things too.

dragonfly (Calopterix) is homeopathy

Aphorism #2

The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health; that is, the lifting and annihilation of the disease in its entire extent in the shortest, most reliable, and least disadvantageous way, according to clearly realizable principles.   ~ Samuel Hahnemann, “Organon of the Medical Art”