There are umpteen kinds of energy healing modalities or techniques in the world today. These modalities remove blocks or shift something in the body or energy field so that you are more in alignment with your true self. Healers come in all shapes, sizes and viewpoints. Some are clairvoyantclairaudient, empathic, aura sensing, psychic, or have some combination of these gifts. Some of these gifts are native, and some are honed.
I consider myself empathic, and when I work with people I often get a picture or visual in my mind’s eye. Words also come that can clarify what I’m seeing, or explain what I “see” happening.  That’s native.
My training in Homeopathy is honed. I started in school in 1995 and have studied with many teachers over the years. And besides the material about remedies, there is nothing better than asking the “right” question. 
So what are the energy modalities I practice most?

  1. Homeopathy: This energetic healing modality, based on the principal of “like cures like”, initiated my work into energy healing. Remedies made from plant, mineral or animal substance present themselves based on an intake. An intake is basically a long conversation where we talk about what goes on in your body, your emotions, your thoughts. A homeopath wants to know what makes things better and worse. We want to know about fears and anxieties, as well as any profound experiences that have had an impact on your life. Food cravings, sleep habits, dreams – nothing is off limits to talk about. And, in fact, may be the key to finding a great remedy. A homeopath chooses a remedy for you, for your whole being. It stimulates your life force. It’s about you being seen for who you are, and in that recognition, healing happens. This means that symptoms dissipate, and you come back to feeling more like yourself. (Your healthy self.) 
  2. Process Healing:  Developed by Gary Flint and based in large part on Neurolinguistic Programming, this energetic modality works directly with the subconscious mind. So much of what keeps us stuck is how we think about the things that have happened to us in the past or what we anticipate what might happen in the future. Our thoughts loop and then we end up being conditioned to respond in a certain way based on emotions that may be outdated. eg. Is there really a lion chasing you right not? Or perhaps more relevantly are you currently being raped or beaten?  Or less seemingly dramatic, are you still stuck in the birth canal?   A conversation with the subconscious mind can help integrate and heal past traumas so that there is more space for you to be the you you were meant to be. 
  3. Resonance Healing:  (previously known as RCT)  Expanding the energy to infinity is what is different.  Being one with all that is. And then focusing in and “seeing”‘ what it is that your body, whether energy body, etheric body, physical body, emotional body needs.  A slight connection that can bring beautiful results. Traumas and emotions integrate. Function tweaks to more optimal. Balance returns. For individuals, families, animals. This is a simple and efficient process with lasting benefits.

What Are The Benefits?

  1. Reduction or elimination of symptoms. Pain, eruptions, discharges and entrenched emotions are the body’s way of indicating that things might not be quite right.  It’s certainly not your fault, but it is important to listen. The nice thing about all of these practices that a diagnosis is not always needed.  Oh sure, it’s really nice to know what’s going on, but there are many ways to work on those symptoms.
  2. Become even more in tune with your body. Once you start listening the more astute you become at noticing things in your body. Not to become hypochondriacal, but because paying attention leads to better results as well as a better relationship with your body.
  3. A sense of ease. Have you ever felt an actual relaxation in your body? This work can cultivate that.  Meditation and certain yoga practices can help with that too. But there is nothing quite like a real physical relaxation in the body that opens up the possibility for what endeavor might be next.

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